Moonlight WishesRomance you choose

Moonlight WishesRomance you choose - New visual novel from Genius IncMoonlight Wishes: Romance you choose - visual novel with a fantastic plotfor android devices. Unusual storyline In Moonlight Wishes: Romance you choose You will find a rather unusual and mystical plot, worked out to the smallest detail and addictive from the first minutes. The main character of the game moved to a big city to become a designer, but so far she works at her favorite job in a printing house. The next working day, sitting up late, the girl looked at the moon and made a wish, hoping to change her life, and the spirits of the moon heard her. Charismatic heroes Follow the development of an amazing story, get acquainted with charismatic and beautiful heroes, each of them has its own distinctive charummyvibe.comracter and history. Guide the main character in a whirlpool of fantastic events, make decisions, overcome difficulties and independently choose the ending of this story from several possible ones. Immerse yourself in an amazing story in Moonlight Wishes: Romance you choose.CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 34.55 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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