Description of Bundesliga Predictor Bundesliga is the perfect companion for the German Football Championship. Predict on all games in the Bundesliga competition and become tRocket Leaguehe prediction king. Due to the clear match plan you are up to date on all the matches. Also, results of past matches can be viewed. The other top features of Bundesliga: • A clear match plan for matchdays and fixtures• Easy to place predictions until the beginning of the game • The latest news about the tournament and all teams• download football ringtones and wallpapers• Worldwide and countrywide high score list• Now live tiles with live scores on start ScreenThe Rules:Predict on the result. A correct prediction on the result gives 3 points.A prediction on correct winner or draw gives 1 point. For predictions you will earn 10 triomen for each score point. You can spend triomen for download content (ringtone, wallpapers each 100) or to place a new bet for 10 triomen or to pin a live tile on the start screen (50).You start with 900 triomen. For a review you will get 500 additional triomen.
Version history Bundesliga Predictor New in Bundesliga Predictor 1.16.0 fix for Cordova Framework Please rate this app